Klarus LiR16340 700mAh (Red)
Official specifications:
- Battery Capacity (Mfg Rated): 700 mAh
- Battery Chemistry: Li-Ion
- Battery Feature: Protected Rechargeable
- Battery Form Factor: 16340
- Battery Maximum Voltage: 4.2 V
- Battery Minimum Voltage: 2.75 V
- Battery Rated Voltage: 3.7 V
Klarus is mostly known for flaslight, the also have a few chargers () and rechargeable batteries for the lights. This is the smallest one.
The discharge curves looks good, they track nicely and the battery can deliver about 2A with protection tripping a bit above 5A
This 16340 (RCR123) looks good, it can deliver some current and has good capacity. The protection makes it applicable for many devices, as long as it will fit (it is slightly longer than a CR123 cell).
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries